R-Cherikoff Food (Macau) Company Limited

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Wife Cake

Wife cake is a bakery snack made with traditional acient secret recipe. The filling is soft and moistured which taste sweet but not greasy.
R車厘哥夫(澳門)食品廠 - 澳門祐漢新村第四街50號祐成工業大廈樓A座 (28825122); 正牌車厘哥夫食品 - 氹仔告利雅施利華街171號 (28825265); 正牌車厘哥夫食品 - 氹仔官也街9號C地下 (28825155); 車厘哥夫餅店 - 氹仔地堡街315, 319號"泉福新村"地下E,F舖 R-Cherikoff Food

Wife cake is a bakery snack made with traditional acient secret recipe. The filling is soft and moistured which taste sweet but not greasy.

The famous product of Nougat and Cherikoff's originator Master Ling Man Yi has worked in Wong Chon Bakery for more than 20 years. After his hard work and intensive research, he has finally reformed this North-Europe candy that suits Asian's taste. It is very popular with the local citizens and the tourists.