V Treasure Investment Limited

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Beauty and Personal Care Products

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Multi-effect roll-on essential oil for travellers

Lack of energy, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, stomach upset, mosquito bites, insect and mite allergies, muscle soreness, knocks and bruises

Lack of energy, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, stomach upset, mosquito bites, insect and mite allergies, muscle soreness, knocks and bruises


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V Treasure Investment Limited was established in 2022 and launched the "Wanvisa" series of essential oil products, including: multi-effect roll-on essential oil for travellers, anti-fatigue essential oil spray for travellers and good sleep essential oil spray for travellers, produced by Fábrica  de Produtos de Materiais de Protecção Ambiental Macau Lian da, 100% "Made in Macao"