Koi Kei Food Co., Ltd.

Food & Beverage

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Portuguese Nougat

On the first bite, your mouth will be filled with a thick and smooth milk flavor. It is then mixed with the taste of crispy U.S. almond to achieve a taste that you will never forget. ​
1) 福隆新街70-72號地下 (28938102); 2) 澳門清平街2B-2C地下 (28930530); 3) 大三巴街20A培基大廈R/C+S/L (28366017); 4) 大三巴街24號A至24號B興華大廈地下 (28358515); 5) 大三巴街23AA及23AB號明豐大廈地下(28358230); 6) 媽閣斜巷23號友成大廈第一座地下A,B,C舖(28968340); 7) 氹仔官也街11至13號地下 (28827458); 8) 威尼斯人K12店舖 (28828923); 9) 新濠天地地下F003店舖 (28898993); 10) 議事亭前地7號A地下 (28329301); 11) 威尼斯人大運河購物中心三樓240 2A號 (28828615) Koi Kei Food Co., Ltd.

On the first bite, your mouth will be filled with a thick and smooth milk flavor. It is then mixed with the taste of crispy U.S. almond to achieve a taste that you will never forget.

Koi Kei Food Co., Ltd. now has 12 shops in Macau, and  three in Hong Kong. factory owned in Macaa that produces   over 300 varieties of food. The most popular items include the almond cakes, egg rolls, crunchy peanut sweets, and fillet of beef and pork. From 2002 till now, Macau has beeen the champion of food souvenir sales for eight consecutive years n.Philosophy: There is no best, only better!