Sam Dak Tat On Company Limited

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Fushi Qibao Paste

Frequent humid weather generally occurs in the coastal cities of southern China, causing people to sweat excessively

Frequent humid weather generally occurs in the coastal cities of southern China, causing people to sweat excessively. According to the TCM classic “Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu” (Variorum of the Classic of Materia Medica), semen coicis can reduce sweat, poria cocos can invigorate spleen for diuresis, and rice beans and white hyacinth beans can clear heat for tumescence. In addition to beans, some other Chinese medicinal materials are also used, such as lotus leaves and monk fruit, making the paste taste sweet. TCM believes that ingredients with a sweet or even bitter flavour can help expel dampness.

Established in 2024, it is mainly engaged in import and export trade, retailing and wholesaling healthcare products and food. The self-owned brand “Sam Dak Tat On” is the health maintenance and food therapy brand of Tat On Chinese Medicine Clinic, which was founded in 1988 in Macao. The products have been developed by registered Chinese medicine practitioners in Macao, with the focus on the same source of medicine and food in the way of nourishing life, aiming to use TCM formulas to meet modern health needs.