Village Macau Co. Ltd.

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Eight Five Three

Eight Five Three Baijiu (Chinese liquor) has obtained certifications from CMA, ilac-MRA, and CNAS (a part of international accreditation multilateral recognition system), becoming accredited as Macao Jiang-flavour baijiu.

Eight Five Three Baijiu (Chinese liquor) has obtained certifications from CMA, ilac-MRA, and CNAS (a part of international accreditation multilateral recognition system), becoming accredited as Macao Jiang-flavour baijiu.

Eight Five Three, named after the Macao area code 853, is Macao Jiang-flavour baijiu produced in Moutai Town, Guizhou province and sold in Macao. Inheriting the long-history brewing technique and taking sorghum, wheat and water as the ingredients, it is refreshing with a smooth natural taste and a long-lasting aroma.

Established in 2010, the company is dedicated to promoting the development of Macao’s cultural and creative industry. The company has a diversified business scope, with experience in project and exhibition planning, public relations and publicity, live streaming commerce, space leasing, advertising design, interior design, and time-honoured brand revitalisation.