Macau Creations Limited

Cultural and Tourism Products

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You Win Chip Series

Win Wealth Chip: The Winner seizes the opportunity; the wealthy knows how to make monet. You'll miss the chance if you are not well prepared when the God of Wealth knocks on your door.

Win Wealth  Chip: The Winner seizes the opportunity; the wealthy knows how to make monet. You'll miss the chance if you are not well prepared when the God of Wealth knocks on your door. The "You Win Wealth Chip", your mascot of diligence. Win Peace Chip: Sound of body and mind makes your life content. The maiden A-Ma became the Goddess of Seafarers for her kind heart; a kindhearted person wins peace. With faith you win. The "You Win Peace Chip", your mascot of health. Win Love  Chip: The God of Marriage leeps the book of love and ties couples together with a red string. Love needs caring like flowers need watering. The "You Win Love Chip", your mascot of happiness.

Culture springs naturally from each region, so distinctive elements are key to developing a cultural and creative industry. Founded in 2009, Macau Creations has diverse branding and cross-border design experience, from visual identity systems to bite-size souvenirs that capture the true temperament of Macau culture. Our team is dedicated to the development of industry, or even regional, endeavours to explore new cultural creative avenues and increase its business impact.