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Beauty and Personal Care Products

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Home Brew Hand Cream

Made of American Arabica coffee bean essential oil. Feel the happiness of being surrounded by warm and mellow coffee all day long.

Made of American Arabica coffee bean essential oil. Feel the happiness of being surrounded by warm and mellow coffee all day long.

Main ingredients:

-Organic Vegetable Oils: Sunflower Oil, Organic Olive Emulsifying Wax 

-Natural Plant Extracts: Green Tea Extract, Aloe Vera Extract

-Natural Organic Essential Oils: Coffee, Sweet Marjoram, Vetiver, Butter, Rosewood

Directions: Apply Home Brew Hand Cream on clean hands and spread evenly. Take a deep breath and enjoy the pleasant moment.

Founder Leng Chi Ian has obtained a number of international aromatherapy certifications. As she has experienced postnatal depression and personally experienced the soothing effects of essential oils on her mental health, she is determined to create a brand and has launched a series of products aiming to improve emotional health and sleep quality. By combining aromatherapy and cultural and creative products, the company has launched natural aromatherapy products with different themes for emotional relaxation and customised wedding gift products, hoping to improve the spiritual health of urbanites, and bring people with different needs aromatic products that stimulate the memory.