[2024/06/21] [Successful Conclusion] 15th IIICF Facilitates the Signing of 38 Agreements with Co-operation Capital Nearly Doubled to US$13 Billion

The 15th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum (IIICF), featuring over 200 themed and supplementary activities, came to a successful conclusion today (21 June). 230 business talks took place during the three-day event, with more than 50 involving enterprises from Macao and Hengqin. This year’s event facilitated the signing of 38 agreements with a co-operation capital of US$13 billion, almost double the previous year’s figure. The co-operation projects covered a wide range of fields such as power engineering, water conservancy, transport, green engineering, mineral resources and large-scale construction projects across 22 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, including five projects involving Macao enterprises.

Co-operation capital nearly doubled to demonstrate Macao’s advantages as a platform

According to Chairman of the China International Contractors Association Fang Qiuchen, this year’s IIICF stands out from its predecessors with the longest duration and the largest number of guests; the professional exhibition was thoroughly upgraded, with the exhibition area increased by 60% and the custom-built booths accounting for over 90% of the total, showcasing the strength of the “China Construction” brand. He also summarised the four major achievements of the event: first, it comprehensively illustrated the achievements of the global infrastructure industry in green innovation and digital connectivity and contributed China’s wisdom and solutions to international infrastructure co-operation; second, it built a professional international platform to drive forward project matching and co-operation across the board; third, it released authoritative reports to identify new trends for the development of the sector; and fourth, it embedded Macao elements in the event to press ahead with Macao’s participation in the “Belt and Road “construction and the development of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Co-operation Zone in Hengqin.

President of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) Vincent U made a recap of the achievements of this year’s IIICF. First of all, the event expanded its reach. The additional day of the event attracted enterprises and investors from more countries and regions for more in-depth communication, while extending the stay of international business travellers in Macao, which brought more benefits to peripheral industries such as hospitality and retail, and promoted exchanges and mutual learning between mainland China and Macao in terms of curating conventions and exhibitions. Second, the event showcased a richer variety of exhibits to speed up their sales, facilitating more business co-operation and transactions in engineering equipment. Third, the 15th IIICF widened the scope of co-operation, with the co-operation capital nearly doubled to US$13 billion this year. 230 business talks took place during the event, with more than 50 involving enterprises from Macao and Hengqin. Additionally, five influential enterprises from mainland China expressed their intention to set up businesses in Macao, which speaks volumes about Macao’s platform role.

Exhibitions, conferences and business talks to assist Macao and Hengqin enterprises in uncovering development opportunities

Among the 90 exhibitors this year, 26 are Macao and Hengqin enterprises, more than double the number of last year. The Macao-Hengqin Pavilion was also set up at the exhibition to showcase the industrial resources of the two regions to the global infrastructure industry, while contributing to the transformation, upgrading and market expansion of Macao enterprises. A Macao exhibitor noted that during the 15th IIICF, a series of meetings and business matching sessions were arranged, which enabled them to exchange views with many large enterprises from mainland China and overseas, as well as ministerial officials from a number of countries and regions, to explore business opportunities.

The “Business Matching between Investment and Infrastructure Construction Companies” was also organised during the exhibition, where more than 50 business matching sessions were held, bringing together over 20 enterprises from Macao and Hengqin and more than 30 exhibitors from mainland China. The representative of a participating construction engineering enterprise in Macao was satisfied with the arrangement and believed that the targeted one-to-multiple matching can enhance their efficiency in business expansion. The head of a cross-border logistics enterprise in Hengqin said they were successfully matched with enterprises matching their business needs, including medical equipment and warehousing companies in mainland, which set the stage for potential future collaboration.

In addition, conferences focusing on elements related to Macao and the partnership between China and Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs) were held during the event, including “The 10th Forum of Infrastructure Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries & Business Meeting of Infrastructure Co-operation between Macao, Shandong and Portuguese-speaking Countries”, “Construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area—the Development Direction of Macao Construction Industry”, and the forum for Portuguese engineers “Macao’s Role in ‘One Platform’—Engineering and Technology”.

To help Macao’s relevant sectors gain a better insight into the latest trends in international infrastructure and identify potential business opportunities, the 15th IIICF organised a visit to the exhibition for Macao’s construction engineering, industrial, commercial and healthcare sectors and provided in-depth explanations, thus revitalising the “1+4” appropriate economic diversification. A representative of the construction machinery sector who participated in the exhibition tour said that the exhibition offered a platform for the local trade to keep abreast of the latest technological developments and market dynamics, network with their counterparts in mainland China and promote the development of the whole industry.

Local community tours for traders in conjunction with another festival in Macao to maximise IIICF’s influence

To further augment IIICF’s influence, IPIM organised guided community tours during the 15th IIICF for participating traders to appreciate the unique cultural tourism atmosphere of Macao in the historic districts; the tours were also held in conjunction with the “International Cities of Gastronomy Fest, Macao”, another concurrent festival in Macao, to further enhance the city’s appeal as an MICE and tourism destination and multiply the event’s efficacy.


The 15th IIICF comes to a successful conclusion.


The 15th IIICF facilitates the signing of 38 agreements.


The 15th IIICF has the longest duration and the largest number of guests in its history.


The exhibition area of the 15th IIICF increases by 60%, with over 90% of the booths being custom-built.


During the “Business Matching between Investment and Infrastructure Construction Companies”, more than 50 business matching sessions are held between over 20 enterprises from Macao and Hengqin and more than 30 exhibitors from mainland China.


The Macao-Hengqin Pavilion is set up to display the industrial resources in Macao and Hengqin to the global infrastructure industry.


Conferences focusing on China-PSCs partnership and Macao elements are held during the event.


A visit to the exhibition is organised for Macao’s construction engineering, industrial, commercial, and healthcare sectors during this year’s IIICF.


A tour is organised for participating traders to explore the local community and a concurrent event in order to maximise the effects of the 15th IIICF.